Stop and Help

Stop and Help

“If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.”
James 2:8-9

Have you ever stopped to help someone, but then later realized you were the one who was blessed?

My husband is a salesman. He walks in and out of hospitals all day in hopes of making connections that will ultimately save a patient’s life. He knows every back stairwell, fast elevator and good area for cell service. 

On one particularly busy day, he walked past an older man who looked lost. My husband simply asked him how he could help. As soon as he started to give directions, a hospital executive interrupted, said she’d take the man to the correct elevator and asked my husband to wait for her. After she returned, she took him straight to her office and gave him thirty minutes of her coveted time. She had been so moved by the courtesy he showed the man, that she wanted to extend him the same.

Certainly, my husband didn’t help to gain favor. He was simply moving through his work day and saw an opportunity to serve. It wasn’t a show – it’s who he is.

Will you watch for someone who needs help today? Maybe you can offer a hopeful word or buy someone’s meal. Is there a neighbor that needs to know they’re not forgotten? Could you text a friend a Bible verse? Maybe your food server needs to see a friendly face for a change. You get the idea---- the possibilities are endless.

These small kindnesses help others of course, but they also benefit us. When we focus on someone else, our lives are fuller. We see others through the eyes of Christ instead of the narrow funnel of our self-interests.

Lord, open my eyes to see those who need a touch from You. Please give me Your Words and creativity as I help spread Your love. 




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