

Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. 

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.

Colossians 3:17 & 23

My principal asked me an opinion question. I really disagreed with the answer I knew she waited for so I said, “Whatever!” Of course, I immediately realized how rude I sounded and apologized profusely.

Has anyone ever responded to a question you asked with “whatever”? Taken as its meaning suggests if means you do not really mind either way, but used as a slang word it means, “I have an opinion about that which does not agree with yours, but am not interested in an argument at this time.” It may also come with an eye roll.

God had a totally different meaning for the word whatever in these verses. He truly meant “whatever” – anything and everything you do  – all things should be as if doing it for him. Not only should we do it to honor him, but we should give thanks to him in the midst of it if we take these verses seriously.

I do not know about you, but I have a hard time thinking that cleaning the bathroom could be for him especially when my grandson does not always have the best aim when going to the potty. But, cleaning the bathroom is a whatever. 

Picking up trash or dog poop out of my yard when I’m kind of mad at whoever dropped it or allowed their dog to do it. Once again, whatever.

I am sure we can think of many chores we would rather not do in Jesus’s name, but still we are instructed to do exactly that.

What are your “whatevers”? Driving down the road behind a slow driver, shopping, cleaning, taking care of children – imagine the joy these mundane tasks can give us if we do them for him. 

Father, we give our “whatevers” to you. Help us to do them with an attitude of respect and gratitude for you. We love you, Lord.


Susan P.

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