Magical God

Magical God

For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise…

Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his dwelling place…

Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.

1 Chronicles 16:25a,27, & 29b NIV

A five-year old’s aunt visited for the week end and attended church with the family. When the pastor came up to the podium to give his sermon, the little boy leaned over to his aunt and exclaimed, “Pastor Duane always reminds me that God is magical.”

What an amazing observation for a young child to have! Although I might not choose the word magical, it perfectly described a young boy’s understanding and wonder of God. Magical is a perfect word for a five-year old.

Let’s face it, we cannot always explain everything about God or his presence, but as adults we might choose words like majestic or miraculous or awesome. On the other hand, can mere human words really describe the wonder of God?

The Bible says he is our rock. He calls us by name. That in itself is miraculous. All of the countless number of people past and present in the world and he knows OUR name.

He offers genuine forgiveness of our sin when we confess them to him. He will never bring them up again.

Truthful to a fault, he never lies. We can believe his promises found over and over in his Word. His Word – a treasure he provided so we can really know him. His salvation – an unimaginable gift he offers those who believe in him. Awesome!

Amazing, all-powerful, he proves himself to us over and over. When we look back on the evidence of him in our lives, we can look forward with confidence assured his presence will continue with us through eternity. What an exciting prospect!

Lord, you are great and worthy of praise. Your splendor and strength bring us so much joy. We worship you. We worship you!

Susan Partida

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