God as my Refuge

God as my Refuge

I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.”

Ps 91:2 NKJV


We once lived in “tornado alley,” the East/West path tornados travel through our state. The first tornado that barreled through our little town left a lasting impression on me. While warning sirens blared, I rushed all four children into the bathtub then squeezed in among them. Together, we pulled up a mattress for cover. I prayed while winds howled and tree limbs slammed against the window. Afterward, I thanked God for protecting us and for providing a place of refuge. Even though I feared the storm, I felt safe in that tub.

God also provides a spiritual refuge from storms in our own personalized tornado alley: places of financial, health, relational, or spiritual turbulence. He waits for us, always available when we need safety from the unexpected crisis. The composer of Psalm 91 understood God as a refuge and led the Israelites to praise Him through the songs they sang. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust” (Ps. 91:2 NKJV).

We continue to find Him through His Word, through worship and through prayer. These connection points provide truth that comforts and calms, creating a refuge for our soul.

Unfortunately, God is often the last option we seek.  We try other options first, such as calling a friend or indulging in comfort food. What a blessing when we finally come to Him and find that sense of safety and calm during the tempests of life.

I have realized that He has never failed me, and He will never fail you either.

Father, forgive me for trying to figure things out rather than going to You for refuge when I face personal challenges. You have never failed me. Make me more sensitive to Your voice through the Holy Spirit within me. Soften my heart to hear and respond, for Your glory. Amen.


Linda Lesniewski                                                                         

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