All in Challenge

Young Love

One of the joys of working in college ministry at church is seeing two young people fall in love and get married right out of college. Their wedding day is such a joyful occasion; it is filled with laughter, hope, excitement and lots of dancing.

His Light

One of the fun adventures I get to do with my daughters as a Girl Scout is camping. We have had the opportunity to camp in a scouts’ backyard, camp by the lake and even camp at SeaWorld in San Antonio. One of the most important items that is listed for our camping trip is a flashlight.

Hide and Seek

My girls love playing hide and seek. The thrill of finding the perfect hiding spot with the hope of outsmarting the seeker creates a fun game for the whole family. Hide and Seek may be a fun family game for us but we can never play it with God. 

A Little Bird Told Me

My Grandmother had a funny way with words in order to get her point across. Some of her favorite sayings were: “This is how the cow ate the corn” as she grabbed your knee to get your attention, “Well, shoot a monkey” when things did not go her way and “A little bird told me” when she was curious about something she had heard.

Follow the Leader

I pulled into the rest area and looked around. The people I observed were as varied as the vehicles. Where were they all going? The adventurist in me began to imagine several possible scenarios. For some reason we had all converged in that one location at precisely the same time. Momentarily, we each would continue on our individual routes.

Follow the Leader

I pulled into the rest area and looked around. The people I observed were as varied as the vehicles. Where were they all going? The adventurist in me began to imagine several possible scenarios.


I am so intrigued with the character of Joshua in the Old Testament. There is much about him that I can relate to! He must have taken the reins of leading the people from Moses’ hands as a total basket case! In the first nine verses of the book of Joshua, God had to tell Joshua three times to be strong and courageous even though he had been Moses’ aide for many years. I can relate to his roadblock of fear and his need for ongoing encouragement!  

Walk with God

I can do the math! The Bible says that Enoch lived 65 years, then became a father and walked with God 300 years. Altogether Enoch lived 365 years (Genesis 5:21-23). Like Enoch, raising wee ones certainly drove me to my knees and necessitated a daily walk with Him. The Bible has so little to say about Enoch, but we can see from his place in history that he lacked many faith-building benefits that we enjoy.

To Create

I do not have one creative bone in my body. When I walk into an arts and crafts fair, or worse yet, a craft store, I feel like I am going to hyperventilate. I am gifted in other areas, but somebody else got my portion of creativity.


I was up in the wee hours last night. Now that my babies are teenagers, my mid-night awakenings are my own fault and not their hunger or restlessness.