Just When You Need It

Just When You Need It

Let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may receive  
mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.

Hebrews 4:16 NKJV

I was scheduled for an MRI one Monday morning. The nurse asked me two questions: “Do you have any metal parts inside you?” and, “Are you claustrophobic?” I answered “no” to both questions and confidently entered the room where the big drum of a machine was standing ominously in front of me.

“Are you ready?” she asked. I said, “Oh yes, I’m ready to do this!”

I had no idea, really, what was ahead of me. I mean, I was only being “imaged” from the neck up! How hard could that be?

On my back with my eyes shut, I was rolled into the big drum. I thought, I can’t get claustrophobic if I close my eyes!

As soon as the test began, vertigo attacked me and the room spun horribly out of control! Then the loud shock-waves of noise sounded and there I was – trying to hang on to my sanity!

I said, Lord, I can’t do this . . . except with You!

I started praying Psalm Twenty-three over and over. (“I will fear no evil” stood out a lot!) But as the words of the Psalm became real to me, I began to relax as though I was actually outside of the noisy turmoil. A peace came over me that was supernatural – His Peace!

In that experience I was reminded that what always matters most isn’t reading my Bible more, or doing nice things for others (as wonderful as that is); it is the conscious inviting of Jesus into every circumstance that gives me a peace that is REAL – or hope – joy – forgiveness – confidence – freedom – whatever it is that I need!

Father, thank you for your mercy and grace. I know I can come any time to You with the assurance that You are my supply!


Never Alone--Sometimes God Leaves You a Note

Never Alone--Sometimes God Leaves You a Note

The Glue that Repairs the Cracks

The Glue that Repairs the Cracks