Called For A Purpose

Called For A Purpose

We know that is all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

I never expected to homeschool my girls. The thought of teaching my children the educational skills necessary to succeed in life was beyond my comfort zone.

God however, had a different path for my life. He thought I was capable of teaching my children. He encouraged me to glance back on my past and see the ways He had prepared me for the calling. With my past experiences of teaching at church and instructing dance classes I was more than qualified to teach my girls.

It had all been apart of His plan!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for teaching me that my life circumstances are apart of a bigger story.  

Charity O

Contagious Laughter

Contagious Laughter

Pour It Out

Pour It Out