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Words to Remember

I meditate on Your precepts and consider Your ways. I delight in Your decrees; I will not neglect Your Word.
Psalm 119:15-16

When my daughters were babies, I began writing in a journal for each one of them. To this day, every few months I record funny stories, family memories and some of the things I find most wonderful about them. I want them to have access to my words long after I’m gone. Also, I never want them to doubt how much I love them and have delighted in them throughout their lives. I hope the little stories I’ve written are tucked away as a part of their history.

Did you know that God the Father has written a love letter to His children? The Eternal Word of God is the great story of His unfathomable love and grace for mankind. It is a letter to you.

Maybe you need to remember some truths you have forgotten. Or you just need to hear the voice of your Heavenly Father expressing His love for you.

Open that love letter. Listen to a Bible app on your phone. Write out those crucial verses you need to recall. They are your history – and your future. 

If my daughters leave the journals in their attics one day, it would be sad. But when God’s children ignore His written Word, it’s disastrous. Will you plan to spend undistracted time each day absorbing His Words to you?

Father, thank You for the gift of Your written Word. Help me to treasure it and receive Your promises like a cherished daughter. 
