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He who has ears, let him hear.

Matthew 11:15

My girls were invited to a homeschool Christmas party at a local church. Arriving at the event, we could see that the other students were playing on the playground while the adults were setting up the activities for that afternoon.

The children had a wonderful time putting together gift bags for a local charity, participating in a contest that involved wrapping each up other like a Christmas tree, and enjoying the excitement of having a gift exchange.

When all the activities had ended, the kids dashed toward the playground. My girls were thrilled at the chance to play with their friends one last time. As they were running off, I gave them a five - minute warning, so they could have plenty of time to prepare themselves for leaving.

The time had finally arrived for us to depart, and I motioned to the girls that play time was over. They both looked at me and continued on with their playing, completely ignoring my request.

I was so surprised by their insensitivity as I stood there waiting with my purse, bags, coats and gifts in hand. I could feel my temperature rising the longer I waited and watched them continuing on with their play. Once I told them a second time, they could tell by my stern face and firm command that I was serious.

I began to wonder about the times I clearly heard God’s voice about a situation, and I just turned my heart and ignored His voice.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please forgive me for the times I disobeyed You.

Charity O