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Oh How We Need Christmas!

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.”

Luke 2:13 & 14

I love, love, LOVE Christmas. I patently try my best to savor the Thanksgiving holiday before I break out my Christmas decorations and carols. This year I noticed more and more people in early November wondering about putting up their tress and listening to Christmas music. I found myself thinking, why not?

Some people tend to roll their eyes at Christmas enthusiasts, but I think our current days of unrest and violence bring good reasons for that enthusiasm. For many, Christmas conjures up such warm feelings – innocence, good will, peace, generosity, love, and most importantly, the birth of our Savior. We long for the joy Christmas represents so when we it rolls around we join in with gusto.

Why do we feel the need these days to celebrate earlier and earlier? Because we desperately crave those feelings of contentment and peace in our chaotic world so much. Christmas makes us smile and we really need something to smile about.

Wonderfully, though, we do not have to wait for December to feel the Christmas spirit. We can rejoice in the knowledge and significance of Jesus’ birth all year long. We can revel in that peace in our hearts without any wait. Our ability to give glory to God, feel joyful, and encourage peace on earth does not limit itself to one month a year.

So you want to sing Christmas carols year round? Why not? You want to put up your tree in July? Go for it? You want to share God’s love with others? Absolutely! Even better!

I imagine even the angels will join in with singing, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men…”

Susan P.