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The Search, the Star, the Savior

“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?” When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.

Matthew 2:2a, 10-11a

As I walked past the school bathroom I noticed a fifth grade girl in the floor looking for something. I had a few minutes before my next class so I decided to see if I could help her. She told me that she had lost the back to her earring. The earrings, a gift from her father, she valued them highly.

We looked for as much time as we had. Eventually, we both had to get back to class so we abandoned our hunt for the present time.

The next day as I washed my hands in the same bathroom, I noticed a twinkle of light in the sink. It resembled a shiny star and sat in the grate of the drain. Could that possibly be the earring back we searched for so diligently?

Upon further investigation, it did prove to be the lost item. We both rejoiced when I returned the earring back to my fifth grade friend.

In the Magi’s search for Jesus a bright shiny star led them forward. They paused on their journey to ask if anyone could direct them to their quest, but the star proved their best guide. The Wise Men’s trip took a long time, yet they did not stop until they found the gift from the Father, the gift of Jesus, His Son.

No doubt in their minds they had found the Savior of the world, they worshiped Him.

God created each one of us to seek Him. He draws us to Himself. We too follow the signs He provides. He meets us there. No doubt in our minds that we have encountered the One True God, we too worship Him.

Oh God, our Father, You are worthy of worship. You are who and what we seek. We worship You.

Susan P.