No Wasted Time

No Wasted Time

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Ladies, do you ever feel like life isn’t moving ahead? Like you’re stagnating? I seem to be stuck in that stage of life right now. I miss the excitement of new adventures and the passion of mission. It’s almost time for the current stage to end but not quite. A few things need to wrap up first. But it seems to be taking a lot longer than I had anticipated.

I was lamenting to God about this as I was driving down the road. Lord, how much longer? I feel like I’m spinning my wheels. It seems like a waste of time. 

That’s when I passed it. The big blue sign said No Wasted Time.

I love having a relationship with a living God! He is so funny sometimes. And always spot-on.

Solomon assures us that there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Our periods of inactivity may look like a waste to us, but not to God. He is continually working in and around us.

In the many years before Jesus came on the scene publicly, he grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52).

Paul was stuck in prison for years when he would probably have rather been preaching. Instead he wrote letters to several churches encouraging and correcting them. Paul’s latent period resulted in a good part of the New Testament. His words still speak to God’s church.

David waited seven years to become king after he was anointed by Samuel. He was a shepherd at the time, so David had to learn how to be a king.

Our periods of dormancy will one day be completed at God’s appointed time. [God] will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come (Psalm 102:13).

Father, thank you for meaning and purpose in even the mundane moments of life.


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