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Pure Delight

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4

I watch it over and over and laugh each time. It’s a video of my son-in-law on his four-wheeler dragging a long rope attached to a small plastic swimming pool. Round and round they go over fields of last year’s freshly fallen snow. Pups, Harvest and Trigger, bark loudly as they run circles chasing it. The funniest part, though, is my granddaughter sitting inside the pool squealing at the top of her lungs! The squeals form such a sweet melody in my ears that I continue to laugh each time I replay it. I ‘delight’ in it.

The Lord provides joy and delight to enrich our lives. He even includes instructions about it all throughout His Word. God tells us to delight in Him. How do you delight in the Lord? Is it through singing praises, through reading His Word, through prayer? Wonderful! These are all ways to take delight in the Lord. In fact, it’s delightful just to be in relationship with our Creator!

I find that the more I spend time with God, the more I delight in Him. In reverse, the more I delight in Him, the more I spend time with Him in praise, prayer, and His Word. I usually read through different books of the Bible, or sometimes I’ll engage in a word study reading through each passage where I find the word. This year, though, my church is reading together through the Bible in one year. Guidelines for reading from the Old Testament, one Psalm, and from the New Testament each day directs my time with the Lord.

No matter what method I use, there’s always rich truth available to direct my thoughts, words and actions—showing me how to delight myself in Him.

Thank you, Father, that You are the very one who shows me how to delight in You. You are worthy of my life, my devotion, and my delight. Amen

Linda L