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The Gift of Freedom

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.

Galatians 5:1

Do you ever hear your friends speak about being “free in Christ,” and while you agree with a nod, you feel sick inside because you still carry a heavy burden of guilt?

Senior Pastor, Will Davis Jr, said in a sermon I heard at Austin Christian Fellowship, “Guilt tears down, but conviction builds up.”

I agreed with this simple statement. I shrugged and thought, oh, yes. Then I thought about my own personal struggles to practice true freedom living. When we turn away from the sin that so easily entangles us, we prosper and are deeply grateful for Jesus Christ’s forgiveness for ourselves and others. (Hebrews 12:1)

Redemption, through Christ’s grace, occurs when we are convicted and will confess our sin by admitting the wrongdoing and by praying, ”I’m sorry, Lord. Forgive me by your grace.” But repentance is only accomplished by praying, “I’m sorry, Lord, and I quit, now! I’m done with this! Enough!”

Conviction → Confession→Repentance→ Freedom→Service→Joy

Deliverance from guilt-living also requires liberation from habitual unbelief. Jesus’ redemptive work occurred in three days in order for us to claim the gift of freedom. How many days, months, or years have you convinced yourself that you are unworthy to fulfill Christ’s plans for you?

When we accept forgiveness, Christ’s freedom and peace flows— like a river— as we meander our way toward the discovery of his purpose for our life. Mundaneness is replaced with a sense of adventure. A new credo to remain in step with Christ is exhilarating and produces a joyful and steadfast spirit of obedience.

Father, I pray for my redeemed sister who is living under the yoke of false guilt. I ask that you will give her permission to release herself from this burden. Please fill her with freedom, vigor and creativity to flourish in the Kingdom work you have planned for her.

Jill Hendrix