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Look What Is Under the Tree: Day 4

For it is by grace you have been saved through faith—and this not of yourselves, it is a gift of God—not by works so that no one can boast.

Ephesians 2:8.9

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10

The other day our youngest granddaughter and I were visiting about her upcoming birthday party. I asked her who would be at her party and she named several children from her kindergarten class, none of whom I knew. To make conversation, I asked her to tell me about them. A couple of half-hearted answers later, she said, “Don’t tell anybody, but I like the presents more than people.” Words spoken with a six year-old’s honesty, but a sentiment we can all relate to. Who doesn’t like presents?

One of the most delightful and encouraging aspects about Ephesians is that it is a book of presents: God’s gifts to believers. In it are past gifts, future gifts, gifts for today’s use, gifts to be opened in the future. However, in Ephesians 2:10 (above), we learn about a one-of-a-kind gift in the very truest sense of the word.

The words translated “workmanship” is only used one other time in the New Testament. Bible scholars admit that it is difficult to capture the depth of the meaning because it speaks of something that is both of the highest quality and completely unique. 

That is us when we become God’s children through faith in Christ.

As new believers, we are all given spiritual gifts to be used for the welfare of others. And we are set a new path. Our life may not look much different from our unsaved neighbor, but God doesn’t do His most important work at street level. Through the Spirit, new opportunities for service and growth will come into our life and continue until our last breath. When we face the inevitable challenges that come to everyone in this life, we find strength and peace as God’s Word is ministered to us by the Holy Spirit living in us.

We live in a culture that craves being noticed and feeling special. But if you are in Christ, you are God’s crowning achievement, His magnum opus. All eyes may not be on you when you enter a room, but you are never out of heaven’s sight. Your purpose isn’t to be noticed and admired by millions but to bring glory to God and good to those around you.

So, who needs purple hair?    

Nancy Shirah