A Lonely Feeling

A Lonely Feeling

You alone I have seen to be righteous before Me in this time.

Genesis 7:1 NASB


The story of Noah and the ark is well-known. Even after digging deeper into this story, the first picture that comes to my mind is one from a children’s book, portraying cute animals and smiling people. But what was the condition of the earth during Noah’s time?

Genesis 6 records that the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence (Genesis 6:11). The people of the earth had corrupted their ways (Genesis 6:12). Every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time (Genesis 6:5).

Contrast that with Noah who the Bible describes as righteous, blameless and walking with God. God said to Noah, You alone I have seen to be righteous before Me in this time (Genesis 7:1 NASB).

Try to imagine how Noah might have felt to be the only righteous, God-fearing person on the planet! Surrounded by wicked, evil, and violent neighbors, he probably feared for his and his family’s safety. He may have felt similarly to Lot who was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard (2 Peter 2:8). Noah was likely physically and emotionally lonely. I doubt he was invited to gatherings because he didn’t run with the crowd. Did people laugh at him or gossip behind his back?

Most of us have been lonely at times. We may have moved from friends. We may be the only Christian in the family or in the workplace. We may be isolated from coworkers because of the pandemic. We may live in a city or country that has few Jesus followers. We may have lost a loved one.

In spite of his loneliness, Noah remained steadfastly devoted to God. He chose to walk with God rather than with his peers. As a result, God rescued Noah, his family, and the animals from destruction.

Choosing God will always give us the best payoff.



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