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Three Lessons from Joseph

The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master.

Genesis 39:2

We teach third-grade Sunday School each week, and we’ve been studying Joseph’s life. These Bible stories aren’t new. Yet I’m amazed at how practical they are for us today — no matter our location or stage of life.

1. Give God the glory.

In Genesis 41:15-16, Pharaoh hears that Joseph can interpret dreams. Joseph says he can’t do it but God can. 

I think this is significant because Pharaoh probably wasn’t a Christian. Joseph remained bold in his faith — even in a pagan environment.

The next thing we know, Pharaoh puts Joseph in charge of Egypt.

What success have you had recently? How did you give God the glory?

2.  Prepare for the lean times.

Good times and bad times. We all have them. Egypt experienced this with seven years of abundant grain, followed by seven years of famine.

Fortunately, Joseph knew the tough times would come and put away grain — enough that would help the entire world.

Which season are you in now? How are you/did you prepare for it? 

3.  It’s OK to sell your extras.

When the rest of the world needed food, Egypt had plenty. Yet Joseph didn’t give the grain away. He sold it. (Genesis 41:56)

I found this concept interesting because some people today would argue that he should have given away the grain.

Even when the people were out of money, Joseph didn’t give away the grain for free. The people traded livestock and land. Then eventually, they worked in exchange for food. 

How can use your abundance to help others?

Stacy Graves