It's Just a Little

It's Just a Little

Who despises the day of small things?  Men will rejoice when they see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel.
Zechariah 4:10a

An idea - that’s how it all began. 

A friend wanted to bring a little cheer into the lives of girls at a local temporary shelter. She took them to the park, played games and just had fun hanging out with them. Some of her friends joined her and a weekly Bible study began with the girls. A church class jumped on board and an activity night was added. Fast forward to today. In a few months a more permanent home for girls like these will open, providing much needed stability and love.

I’m sure my friend had no idea what would grow out of her simple idea to play with some girls. She was faithful to God’s prompting and He continued growing her vision. Had she decided that was too small of a thing to pursue, the home may never have come to fruition.

God asks the question through Zechariah, Who despises the day of small things? God can do great things with small amounts. 

David’s obedience to his father resulted in his defeating Goliath and ultimately becoming king of Israel. Nehemiah’s tender heart toward his fellow Jews resulted in him leaving his important job and building a wall around Jerusalem. Noah’s devotion to God led to the building of the ark enabling him, his family and many animals to be saved. Abraham’s belief in God resulted in him becoming the father of nation. Jesus fed 5,000 with only two fish and five loaves of bread. 

There are no small things in God’s economy. A tiny mustard seed’s worth of faith can move mountains, and two small coins can be more valuable than vast amounts of money.

What dream or idea has God placed in your heart? Anything He puts in our hands or minds can be used in mighty ways.

Lord, use and multiply the things you’ve entrusted to us, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.


The One Thing

The One Thing

The Master Gardener

The Master Gardener