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God Almighty (El Shaddai)

The Almighty (Shaddai)...gives you blessings from the heavens above, blessings from the deep springs below the ground, blessings from breasts and womb.

Genesis 49:25


My husband and I lead a newlywed class at church. The couples progress through stages. They usually begin the class dating or engaged. Next comes the commitment of marriage. Eventually the class size increases as babies are born. Five babies have been born this year in our class. They are obeying God’s command to be fruitful and multiply! “I am [El Shaddai]. Be fruitful and increase in number ”(Genesis 35:11).

Holding these sweet babies during class, I am reminded that they can do little on their own. They must be fed, changed, carried from place to place, clothed, burped, comforted and protected. These young parents are beautifully fulfilling the role for their babies that El Shaddai does for us. He cares for our every need.

The name El Shaddai is usually translated as “God Almighty.” According to Elmer L. Towns in his book The Ultimate Guide to the Names of God, “two divine qualities are implied in the name El Shaddai. God is both the strong One who is able to deliver and the tender One who nourishes and satisfies.” Our El Shaddai is mighty enough to protect and save us and gentle enough to comfort and sustain us.

The first mention of Shaddai in Scripture occurs in Genesis 17:1. When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am [El Shaddai]; walk before me faithfully and be blameless.” Abram (Abraham) asked God for a son to carry on his family line and inherit his estate. God not only gave him a son, he blessed Abram and his descendants more than he could imagine. 

What do you need? Talk to El Shaddai. You are as important to him as Abram.

El Shaddai, we are helpless without you. We praise you for being a strong and tender Father. Thank you for blessing us with all we need and more just because it pleases you.

