He Fights for You

He Fights for You

“The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”

Exodus 14:14


Eighty-Nine days.

Days that my 94-year old father was isolated in his assisted living apartment due to COVID-19 restrictions.

We planned to drive 900 miles in late June to see Dad, but he called me and explained, “You should cancel your trip. You won’t be allowed to visit me, except by phone through my window.”

“No, Dad, we’re coming. We’ll try everything to make a patio visit with you happen,” I assured him. 

I have never fought on behalf of my dad. Until a few years ago, I did everything I could to avoid him. But I fought for him in June.

The home’s Executive Director repeatedly told me, “window visits only.”

I appealed to State legislators. Nothing.

I gave up. My husband, Calvin, noticed. He offered to call the Director.

“Sure, whatever,” I mumbled.

They spoke in detail. Patio visits were not yet allowed, but she scheduled one. What?! She gave Calvin her personal cell phone number. Mountains were in motion!

He had accomplished the impossible. I was thrilled and profoundly struck with a deep appreciation for my beloved husband. He had taken up my cause and battled for me and my dad. I have never experienced that before. God fought for me through my husband! 

God was not finished. Our trip went well. A zero percent chance of rain presented as an intense thunderstorm thirty minutes before the meeting time. Our spirits dampened. Calvin received a text from the home Director to cancel the appointment with Dad. My heart dropped. Calvin texted in response, “we will check with you fifteen minutes before our arrival time.”  We drove to the home. Momentarily, blue sky welcomed us to our patio visit! 

Despite masks and social distancing, we enjoyed precious time together. Dad repeatedly expressed his thanks and wonderment. His spirits were visibly lifted, and hope rang in his voice. It’s September now and we’re praying for an indoor visit.

Will you be silent and let God fight for you amid adversity?

Karen Sims

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