Someone’s Praying for You

Someone’s Praying for You

Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.  

Romans 8:34


I still remember my concern when I realized my little Granny would one day not be around to  pray for me. She’d stood as a spiritual rock my entire life. As she aged, I began to dread the inevitable loss. Then, a doctor’s diagnosis and a brief illness brought me to the place I feared.

Fortunately, God already had a plan in place that solved my worries. During the years Granny interceded from her overstuffed chair, Jesus had also been interceding for me from the right hand of God. The Message translation explains it this way. The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Jesus is “sticking up for us.” What relief! What comfort! 

Even though I still miss my Grandmother’s prayers, my focus has changed. I’m now a grandmother, and I have accepted the responsibility to intercede for my own grandchildren. Knowing that Jesus prays for me and that the Holy Spirit interprets my needs to Jesus according to the will of God encourages me while I pray for the next generation.

Did you know you have someone praying for you? You, too, can enjoy the sweet comfort, restful sleep and confident awareness that someone’s “sticking up for you!” Who in your life needs your intercession? Are you willing to accept that responsibility? It is the greatest investment of time and emotional energy you can make in their lives!

Father, I look to you for the discipline of intercession. Encourage and equip me as I walk this path of obedience for others, just like my Granny did for me.


Linda Les

God’s Wisdom

God’s Wisdom

