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Kingdom Confidence

…go and make disciples of all nations…

Matthew 28:19

If you have given your heart to Jesus Christ, you are his disciple. The term disciple does not exclusively describe missionaries or clergy; it describes a Christ-Follower. If you are certain you have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord of your life, you are not exempt from the highest calling to live as a disciple! This is exciting because it means Jesus has given you the authority in heaven and on earth to act as His Disciple

The Great Commission is based on the final verses in the Gospel of Matthew when Jesus left verbal instructions as his last words to those who witnessed his ascension into Heaven. He clearly instructed them to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything he commanded. (Matthew 28:16-20)

You may think that’s a tall order!

On October 14, 2001, Reverend Pastor Ken Warren preached a sermon at Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas, entitled The Great Omission. His teaching emphasized that becoming a Christian and following in the act of baptism symbolizes the beginning of the Christian life. He said, “None of us are exempt from the commission—to Make Disciples. The going is the condition under which we are to carry out that commission. It does not only apply to missionaries.”

His main point was that Christians should be discipled so that they become disciples themselves. The model for becoming an effective disciple is about obedience which comes gradually as one studies God’s Word.

Christian, I challenge you to own up to the honor of being a Disciple of Christ! Be brave and live a victorious life by waving the banner of Christ as His Disciple! 

Lord Jesus, equip me and grant me courage to value the honor of being your disciple. Give me confidence to speak to others about you with freedom and joy!

Jill Hendrix