Drawn to the Word

Drawn to the Word

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8

At a young age I was drawn to read the Bible. It wasn’t something I felt I had to do. Reading the Bible was my delight! I owned a translation I could easily understand, and at night I would read and highlight verses. Those verses lingered in my mind, and God gave me opportunities to share them with others. Looking back, I realize the Holy Spirit was drawing me to His Word. 

God told Joshua that spiritual success is rooted in knowing and obeying His Word. And so, believer, God’s Word is to be a vital part of our lives. What are you doing to increase your knowledge of scripture? How are you applying what you learn to your personal life?

God instructed Joshua and His people to do three things regarding His Word: meditate on it, speak it to others, and obey it. Meditate in Hebrew means to murmur audibly. Have you ever concentrated so intently on what you were reading that you suddenly realized you were whispering? That describes meditation. We are to intently read, dwell upon, and learn God’s Word. 

God commands us to speak His Word. That which saturates our minds will come forth in our speech. How often is a verse from scripture a part of your conversation with others?

Lastly, God commands us to obey His Word. He speaks of complete obedience and careful obedience. God’s Word is the pathway of blessing, so we are not to turn from it to the right or to the left. (Joshua 1:7)  

Are you drawn to God’s Word? Is God’s Word your treasure and delight? If not, will you ask God to raise up in you a love for His Word and a hunger to know it?


Jan Burkhart



Chapstick or Riches

Chapstick or Riches