Lessons from Dirty Dishes

Lessons from Dirty Dishes

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

I John 1:9

Have you ever let dirty dishes sit for a day or so? Really, it doesn’t have to be that long. Maybe just a few hours. 

Some of the worst culprits include oatmeal, tomato sauce, cheese, and even coffee.

The food can become so glued on the dishes that even an automatic dishwasher won’t remove all the particles. 

When that happens, you must soak or scrub those dishes. 

The same holds true for dirty laundry. 

The longer the stains sit, the harder they are to remove. Sometimes the stains become permanent. Like those white socks that never stay white. 

Why? Because my boys keep wearing them outside without shoes. Those socks have permanent dirt stains no matter how much I bleach or wash them.

That’s exactly how sin can become in our lives. If we let our sins pile up over the days, weeks, months, and years, we can be a mess.  

Habitual sins can leave permanent marks on our lives. And the longer we sin, the more difficult it is to give the sin up. 

Unforgiveness leads to anger and bitterness. Medical studies show unforgiveness can lead to high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, heart disease and other physical problems. 

Sexual sins lead to broken families, unplanned pregnancies, diseases, and all kinds of emotional problems. 

Yet if you struggle with sin, you can find freedom in Christ. 

Our verse of the day tells us that God will forgive every sin that we confess. He will purify us. He makes us clean — just as if we’d never sinned. 

Physically, we may have to bear the consequences of our sin. But spiritually, there’s no trace of sin, thanks to Jesus.

Lord, thank you so much for your forgiveness. We praise you for the power to conquer death and sin. Thank you for making us clean. 

Stacy Graves

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