Everlasting Power

Everlasting Power

The earth and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants, belong to the LORD; for he laid its foundation on the seas and established it on the rivers.

Psalm 24:1 (CSB)

I have discovered that I typically experience the highest quality of encouragement and renewal during a few days of solitude at the beach.

The amphitheater of the roaring surf, the rolling water, the clouds, bird sounds all around bring peace of mind while my soul quickly relinquishes my list of life’s pressures into His hands.

Seasons of life cause us to be ravaged from serious issues which wear on us day after day. For example, we all have lived through a difficult two years with an unexpected virus which has changed our lives forever.

Many of us face other journeys we may not have chosen, but we ultimately realize we must endure through these challenges.

For perspective, we might remember the lives of our ancestors. There were many perilous times for them, some far more arduous than ours now. But when it’s “your story,” the reality often causes fatigue and the need for renewal.

The irony of comparing the power of the ocean to the power of the recent virus is strange, isn’t it? Both realities demonstrate the everlasting power of God and the powerlessness of mankind.

With just one step into the surf, I am reminded of my weaknesses compared to the incredible perfection of God’s Creation. The reminder that I have no power over the movement of the sea is humbling and in turn, causes me to surrender to God’s power over my own life and to be reminded that He is our King of Glory! (Psalm 24:7)

God repeatedly and intentionally demonstrates His power throughout His Creation. We see His glory in our oceans and beaches, mountains and valleys, rivers and lakes, deserts and canyons, wildlife, birds of the air, uncontrollable weather—all powerful phenomena far beyond our ability to comprehend.

I believe God daily demonstrates His power on earth in order to comfort us and to show us His strength. God designed His creation to reveal Himself—Creator of all— and He intentionally placed us in the midst of these wonders so we might respond in worship to Him.

Jill Hendrix

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