Who Fights Your Battles?

Who Fights Your Battles?

You do not have to fight this battle. Position yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord. He is with you…

2 Chronicles 20:17


Between a pandemic and political and racial unrest, this past year created many opportunities for fear.

Recently, the Lord reminded me of King Jehoshaphat’s story in 2 Chronicles 20. Several countries came to fight against Judah. The king, in his fear, turned to the Lord and invited his country to do the same.

God answered, Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s… You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your position; stand firm, and see the deliverance the Lord will give you(vs.15b, 17a emphasis mine).

The people worshiped God, and early the next morning they obeyed. On their way to battle, they praised God. “As they began to sing and praise,” (vs.22), the Lord caused the armies to fight against and annihilate each other. 

When Judah came to a place that overlooked the battlefield, they saw dead bodies scattered over the ground. Jehoshaphat’s army spent 3 days gathering plunder, and then blessed the Lord.

The Lord used the story to reminded me of a time He did the same thing for me. Once, faced with a major life change, I shared with the Lord that I feared moving forward because if I sold my house and moved into an apartment, I would need to find a new home for my dog.

In a series of events, including him getting out of the fence and getting lost, God revealed His plan. A family found him, fell in love, and when we reunited, they told us, “If you ever need to find him a new home, we want him!”

God worked out my dilemma for me and provided a loving home for my precious pet. He also cared about something that might not seem like a big deal in the scheme of things. I only needed to trust Him.

Friend, these are unsettling times, but we serve a God who hears our cries and will fight our battle for us if we surrender it and trust that He’s got it.


Johna Clemons

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