Know that the Lord has set apart the faithful for himself;  the Lord will hear when I call to him.

Psalm 4:3

Peter, the disciple who denied Christ three times, after His crucifixion later wrote rich authoritative instructions in his New Testament letters. His example and call to leadership greatly contributed to the establishment of the early Church. These words were written predominantly to Christians disciples scattered throughout Roman territory during the first century after Jesus Christ’s resurrection and ascension into Heaven.

 Apostle Peter encouraged and built them up by defining their true identity in Christ.

 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light (I Peter 2:9 CSB).

Peter’s encouragement came after he acknowledged, from experience, that believers will stumble or sometimes fall into disobedience. He taught that being a Christian doesn’t prohibit us from being human (I Peter 2:8).

If you are a believer, do you realize you belong in these groups?

You are chosen.

You are royal.

You are holy.

You are God’s own.

You live in marvelous light!

If you claim to be a Christian and yet you don’t believe you fit into these categories, then it may be time for you to reevaluate your lifestyle—or your faith. It is often good to have a simple heart-to-heart time alone with God to ask Him to show you your mistakes. He will lead you through scripture to prove to you his unfailing love and acceptance. 

If you have been deceived by the enemy of this world, or if you need to confess your wrong behavior, God is there for you. Renewal and revival are good for every believer. If these setbacks weren’t common to us all,  then Peter wouldn’t have been led to write these words. 

Join me today by analyzing the habits and attitudes that may make you question that you don’t belong in any of these exclusive groups that Peter describes. If you have received Jesus in your heart as Savior, then know, without a doubt,  that you do belong!

The promise in the Psalm 4:3 confirms that we are set apart, but it also invites us to pray to God when we need help. He will hear us. He will help us. He will revive us.

Jill Hendrix