My God is so Great!

My God is so Great!

Who cuts a waterway for the heavy rains? And who sets a path for the thunderstorm to follow? Who sends rain to satisfy the empty land so the grass begins to grow?

Job 38:25, 27 ICB

Walking in the yard, I heard the rumblings of thunder. My heart leapt with anticipation and admiration as my focus shifted heavenward. Thunder reminds me of God and his awe-inspiring greatness.

I love watching thunderstorms--from the safety of my house, that is. To see God’s great power displayed across the sky. Churning dark clouds eclipse the blue sky. A cool breeze flutters the leaves of the trees in the middle of a sweltering summer. Gentle rumblings turn into earsplitting booms that shake the house. Lightning tears across the sky, illuminating the land.

God you are amazing! Thank you for reminding me!

I need these jolts from heaven to ponder my smallness and God’s greatness. My daughter used to sing this song when she was young.

My God is so great! So strong and so mighty!

There’s nothing my God cannot do!

I can still see my daughter’s big smile and expressive eyes as she acted out the song. She is thirty now and going through a really tough time. I just sent her a text of these lyrics. I hope this strengthens her today.

Thank you, God. You are so good.

Other sights draw my heart to God. A panoramic view of God’s creation from the summit of a mountain. The vast ocean with rhythmic waves marching toward the shore. The miracle of conception, pregnancy and birth.

The night sky did it for David. I look at the heavens, which you made with your hands. I see the moon and stars, which you created. But why is man important to you? Why do you take care of human beings (Psalm 8:3-4 ICB)?

What for you that evokes praise to God for his greatness?

Father God, thank you for shifting my earthly perspective to a heavenly one. You alone are worthy of praise!


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Got Milk?

