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The Mind of Christ

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.

Phil. 2:5 NKJV


The human brain fascinates me. I observed its development as my babies learned to talk, walk and eventually drive away. Oswald Chambers' quote recently challenged me to consider the brain from a new perspective:

God does not give us the mind of Christ. He gives us the Spirit of Christ, and we have to see that the Spirit of Christ in us works through our brains in contact with actual life and that we form His mind.”*   

I honestly hoped that after spending time in God’s Word, the Holy Spirit would eventually just pour into my brain what I needed to know. Instead, this statement points out that I must be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to work with my thoughts, life experiences and, sometimes, wise counsel to create within me the mind of Christ. Perhaps that’s also part of the undisclosed power of meditation, giving my mind, the thinking part of me, time to change the way I apply the truths of God’s Word to my specific situation.

A friend recently pointed out that when Christ healed the blind, He healed their brain along with their eyes. The brain needed to be able to interpret what the eyes saw. When He healed the lame, their brain needed to be able to tell their legs how to move.

Those examples encouraged me to give the Holy Spirit access to that delicate and mysterious organ—the human brain. I want to allow Him to create neuro pathways that connect the written words of the Bible, the spoken words from biblical teachers and personal experiences to work together to create within me the mind-of-Christ. What an amazing privilege—to have the Creator of the universe leave His imprint upon me through His thoughts coursing through my neurons. What an awesome God. What a Savior!

Linda Lesniewski                                                                        

*The Love of God, Oswald Chambers pg. 55