Shadows in the Valley

Shadows in the Valley

In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16: 33b NIV

Suffering. No one wants it. In fact, we work hard to prevent suffering from finding its way into our lives. No matter how you slice it, life is full of challenges and times when the shadow of suffering lingers. Death, job loss and financial stress, difficult relationships, unmet expectations, chronic pain, or living through a natural disaster can all bring great suffering into people’s lives. Each hardship represents loss which is why these experiences can be so painful.     

Have you ever imagined yourself standing in the shadowy valley of hardship, looking up at the destroyed path of your fiery trial and wondered, “But I love and follow God, and I’m doing the right things, why has (insert hardship) happened?”  

Just because we know and love Jesus does not mean we will be exempt from difficult and heartbreaking times in our lives. In fact, Jesus tells us, in this world, you will have trouble (John 16:33b NIV). Not that we might but will.

Before discouragement settles in your heart, check out what follows. But, take heart! I have overcome the world, (John 16:33b NIV).

Then, He tells us the reason we can be courageous: He has already conquered and the victory is His!  

Friend, it may feel like your life is spiraling out of control, but be encouraged. God is in control. He doesn’t cause our suffering, but He allows it because He knows the good it can bring.

He adores you. In fact, He loves you so much that He wants to refine you to become more like Him. His strength is enough to get us through anything. Stand firm through this trial and remember the good will show itself in time. Trust Him. Those shadows in the valley are proof His Light exists.           

Johna Clemons

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