Fitting Praise

Fitting Praise

May my prayer be set before you like incense; 

may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. 

Psalm 141:2

Open your Bible to the middle and there you find the hymnbook of God—those inspired songs full of praises and prayers. God inspired the psalms for many reasons, but one important reason is to enhance the worship of His people. A whole book of the Bible was given by God to teach us to praise Him!

When David wrote the verse above, he mentioned the lifting up of his hands, referring to his praise and worship of God.  With arms lifted in total surrender, he humbly, sincerely offered fitting praise to the Lord. David paralleled this praise of God to the offering of the evening sacrifice.  It was a pleasing offering to God. 

How can you and I know that our praise is a pleasing offering to God? One way is to use the very words God inspired to praise Him. When I read a psalm (or any other scripture passage) and sincerely worship God for the attributes mentioned, He is pleased with my offering.  

Reading through the book of Psalm and voicing to God His attributes has done much to enhance my praise of God. The psalms have taught me more about who God is, and as I personalize His attributes, I am drawn nearer to Him. The beautiful words of the psalms have strengthened my “praise language.”
How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him (Psalm 147:1). Believer, you were created for God’s glory and praise. (Isaiah 43:7, 21) Praise fits the believer like a glove fits a hand! 

Would you like for your praise to be strengthened and expanded? Then use what God has provided. Begin reading through the psalms and praise God for His attributes.

Lord, thank You for every inspired word of scripture that teaches us about You and enhances our praise. 

Jan Burkhart



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