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Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life. You should mind your own business and work with your hands just as we told you.
First Thessalonians 4:11

Social media. We have a love-hate relationship. While I do see it’s merit for connecting with friends and sharing God’s Truth, there are other aspects that irritate me. This is probably how most people feel – happy to stay current with friendships, tired of what they consider bragging.

We’ve all heard the term, “What would Jesus do?” Has anyone asked, “What would Jesus post?” 

Have you ever brought your smartphone before God, asking Him to help you use it as a tool for His glory? Have you asked Him to help you set healthy boundaries, so you don’t miss out on real life relationships and experiences? Do you turn off your phone regularly while focusing on a task or spending time with family? 

What about your time with Jesus? Is it constantly interrupted by notifications? It may be time to set some parameters. Where can you leave your phone during devotional time? What hours will you be available through your phone and when will you power it down? 

Before you post something, take a few seconds to evaluate. What is my motive? Am I bored? Seeking affirmation? Is this helpful to others, building their faith? Does this post glorify God or self? Am I using my online presence to further His Kingdom?

I’m certainly thankful for the convenience my smartphone brings, but I know I depend on it too much. While I’m waiting or bored, I often reach for it. I’d like to rule it, rather than the other way around. How about you? If so, take some time to have an honest conversation with God. Ask Him what needs to be reordered. We are meant to be connected to Him 24/7 but not the rest of the world. 

Father, help me to be purposeful about my use of technology and social media. Let it be another area of my life where I glorify You. 
