Problem Solving

Problem Solving

…He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.

Colossians 2:13c-14 (NIV)

Deborah, labeled as a judge in Old Testament times, helped solve problems. The Bible says people brought their disputes to her and she gave them the answers they needed. She did not do it on her own, she consulted her God in whom she had great faith.

The Israelites had a problem with a King named Jabin. This problem left unsolved would have led to their captivity or even their death. God told Deborah he would deliver their enemies into their hands. He commanded the Israelites to go confront them.

How did God provide this victory when the Israelites obeyed? He accomplished it through another woman, Jael. Jael put her own life on the line to save the Israelites. She used a spike to kill the leader of the enemy army while he slept. Israel saved. Problem solved.

Now we come to our problem – sin – disobedience to God. Sin wants to bind us. It too brings captivity and worse -- eternal death. This issue, separation from God because of sin, could not be solved by mere mortals. God had to confront it.

Through not an enemy, but his very own son, God guaranteed our salvation. Because of the spikes which were placed in the hands and feet of Jesus as he was nailed to the cross for our sins, Jesus became our blood sacrifice. His death on the cross and subsequent resurrection secured our forgiveness.

We can all have our sins forgiven through confession, repentance, and belief in him. He defeated our enemy, Satan. We get to share in the victory by having a relationship with Jesus personally and by receiving the gift of eternal life. Problem solved.

God, thank you for Salvation from our sin. You are the ultimate Problem Solver. Thank you for providing the Way of escape.

For more info read about Deborah and Jael, read Judges 4 & 5.

Susan Partida

Not Our Sin, Let God Win

Not Our Sin, Let God Win

Deborah – Woman of Faith

Deborah – Woman of Faith