It Was a Buy Back!

It Was a Buy Back!

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sin, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.

Ephesians 1:7-8

We collapsed, sweaty and aching. We’d just relocated the entire office and classrooms of a non-profit organization to its new location—a vacant building on the campus of a downtown church. The organization loved their new space but not all the details of the move. Seems the six foot round glass table wouldn’t fit in the new setting. We’d offered it to the church but hadn’t heard back. After a cool lemonade, four of us rolled it across the street and donated it to a non-profit resale store. They immediately displayed it in the front window with a conservative price of $75.00. We smiled at the thought of a long day’s work well done.

The following day, the church administrator sent over two men from maintenance to pick up the table with the message, “Yes, we’d love to have it in our counseling office!” What? No way! Because of the graciousness of the church offering their building, the team marched across the street with the men and “bought the table for $75.00.” The cashier recognized us as the same women who had donated the table the previous day and asked, “Why are you purchasing back the table you brought over yesterday?” After a brief explanation we headed out the door with the prized table!

That’s what God did for us but at a much greater cost. Redeeming us cost God the death of His Son. We belonged to Him, but sin separated us from our very own Creator. Our redemption is the word used to describe the process by which God judicially declared sinners righteous and acceptable. Christ paid the ransom our sin demanded. This “buying us back” truly represents the riches of God’s grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. Hallelujah!

Father, thank you for your grace poured out upon sinners through the act of redemption. Make my life reflect that amazing gift in all my actions, thoughts and words. Amen

Linda L

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