Thank You!

Thank You!

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.

Psalm 136:1


How do you feel when someone thanks you for something you have done, especially when you have invested much of your time, money, or thought? Happy, encouraged, appreciated, noticed? What about when you do not get the thanks you had hoped for? I feel devalued, overlooked, deflated, and sad.

 I sure do not want God to feel that way because of my ingratitude. So many things come to mind that we could thank God for. The psalmist provided a list in Psalm 136 to get us started.

 In verses 5-9 we are encouraged to thank God because he made all of creation. He created the heavens, the planets, the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, as well as the animals, birds, and marine creatures. And especially people like you and me! Thank you, Lord!

 We can thank God for his deliverance in our lives. Verses 10-16 recount God rescuing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The Egyptians were a formidable people and society at that time. Even so, God brought them out with a mighty hand and outstretched arm (Psalm 136:12). God delivers us from the power of sin and darkness. Thank you, Lord!

 God gave an inheritance to his servant Israel (Psalm 136:22). He likewise gives us an inheritance—an eternal inheritance. Forever in the presence of God! Now that’s worth a hearty, “Thank you, Lord!”

 Give thanks because God remembered us in our low estate (Psalm 136:23), as he did the nation of Israel. Without Christ’s atoning death on the cross, we would languish in our sins, oppressed and without hope, in a spiritual Egypt. Thank you, Lord!

 Our Lord gives food to every creature (Psalm 136:25). God feeds all his living creatures from the huge elephant to the tiny mouse. He even feeds the microscopic algae and diatoms. He freely sustains us with a variety of delicious food and beverages.

 Thank you, Lord! You are good!



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