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Serving God

… serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Joshua 22:5 NIV


My siblings and I often complained that Mother never watched television with us. The reason? She fell asleep whenever she sat down! Once I became a mother, I quickly understood the exhaustion from her long day of serving her family. Mother truly cared for us with all her heart and with all her soul. It was her weary body that simply could not keep up.

Joshua spoke to the children of Israel about that type of commitment. He said they were to serve their God—with all their heart and soul. I wonder if the Israelites felt as unclear about what that meant as I have felt over the years? I knew how to serve my family wholeheartedly, but God’s criteria felt different.  He did not need help with homework, clean clothes, nor snacks. Serving God with all my heart and soul not only felt like an impossible command, it was an impossible command—when I attempted to do so in my own strength.

Thankfully, I learned that serving others in the power of the Holy Spirit was also serving the Lord. Caring for my family’s needs, my relationships, as well as serving in my church was a part of serving God.

During my current season of life, six granddaughters provide new opportunities to serve God. I sense their interest in seeing how someone can continue to love and serve God with their heart and soul—even when they are "old."

Father, reveal to me day-by-day how to serve you through Kingdom work and through the everyday tasks of life, for Your glory and for Your kingdom.


Linda Lesniewski