Praise from the Heart

Praise from the Heart

“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior….”

Luke 1:46, 47 NIV


She sat in my lap admiring the stars and the moon—my three-year-old granddaughter. She claimed the moon as her moon then burst out singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star*. Little Caroline was awash with wonder, and her soul burst into song.

I had a similar experience when I noticed a deep red sunset in the northern sky. What? Then, there it was in the eastern sky as well. That blazing sunset tinted the southern as well as the western sky! A blue, cloudless sky shone overhead. A second trip around the cabin confirmed this phenomenon—a 360-degree sunset! Joyful laughter and praise filled my heart for such a unique experience, a marvelous moment in His creation! My spirit and soul rejoiced in God as the Creator.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, also burst forth in worship after a visitation from the angel, Gabriel. Her praise came from her overflow of soul and spirit—from all-of-her. “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior….” (Luke 1:46,47 NIV). Her words of praise captured an announcement that would change the world.

I haven’t seen another full-circle sunset since that day. But I have found other occasions to worship, causing my soul and spirit to burst in awe and wonder from deep within me. Even now as I write, the rain on the roof breaks the soaring heart of a long summer drought. I pause to listen and to praise God for this gift of rain.

Father, sensitize my heart to see and acknowledge Your gifts. Prompt me to grasp each moment for giving you glory and honor from deep within my spirit. Amen


Linda Lesniewski              


*A lullaby based on a poem by Jane Taylor


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