New Seasons

New Seasons

Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began.

Psalm 139:16 CSB


After retiring from a hectic career that involved continual travel across the country and even beyond at times, I went through transition. Being a task oriented planner, I struggled at times to figure out this new season of life.

After I turned off the 4:30 a.m. alarm clock for the last time and enjoyed slower starts to my day, including enjoying my coffee and unhurried time with the Lord, I wondered, what now?

Even after starting a personal blog, leading my life group, and beginning my first D-group (discipleship group) of young women,  I felt there was something more I should be doing.

Knowing He planned every day of my life, as we see in Psalm 139:16, I prayed that I would not miss an assignment. When Covid shut down all my personal speaking engagements that I loved doing after retiring, I had more questions, and  felt, well, almost useless.

Praying and listening, sometimes patiently, sometimes not, I began to watch daily for open doors to minister in the moment to grandchildren, friends and extended family, as well store clerks, servers, and or through unexpected calls and texts.

About the time I decided this was what God called me to in this season, within 7 days I had 3 invitations from leaders in my church to consider serving in different positions, all involving leading women in leadership! Not only did these opportunities completely fit my heart and call, it was also what I did before retirement from a vocational ministry.

I am not sure which of these opportunities are my assignments yet, but this was a reminder that the Lord heard my prayers and still has plans written in my book. If you are in a transition, let’s pray:

Lord, we want to follow you obediently each time you give us an assignment. Thank you for tender love and personal direction.


 Chris Adams

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