Golden Repair

Golden Repair

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Psalms 147:3 NIV


Japanese culture has a beautiful tradition. When a piece of pottery breaks, it isn’t thrown away. Instead, the cracks are glued back together with flecks of gold through a process called kintsukuroi, or “golden repair.” The pottery is then carefully secured so that the pieces stay together as the gold dries. After the repair is complete, the piece has even more value than it did before it broke.

Hagar experienced a similar process in Genesis 16 when she ran away from a painful situation she couldn’t control. God found her hiding in the wilderness and spoke to the broken place inside her: The Lord has heard your cry (verse 11). Hagar needed to know that she wasn’t invisible, that she was worth finding. As that broken place in her heart was healed with God’s truth, she recognized Him in a new way: You are the God who sees me (verse 13).

The same is true in our lives. As God gently breathes His truth into the brokenness within us, He shows us that we are seen, we are known… and we are worth finding. Be encouraged today, sweet friend. Know it is safe to hand the broken pieces of your heart to Jesus. His heart already broke for you at Calvary (John 19:34). If you let Him, He will repair your heart with priceless pieces of His own so that you will come to see Him in a new way: the Creator of your golden repair.




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Press On

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Beautiful Brokenness