The Lion from Zion

The Lion from Zion

The words of Amos, one of the shepherds of Tekoa…“The LORD roars from Zion and thunders from Jerusalem.”

Amos 1:1-2


The LORD God Almighty was not the least bit happy with the state of affairs in the Promised Land. Oh, it was not just His people—sin was rampant in all the bordering nations of Israel. But it was high time to roust the northern kingdom for their “complacency, idolatry, and oppression of the poor.”* They had certainly lost sight of God’s ways. So God called on Amos (760 BC) and Hosea (753 BC) to set Israel straight.

You have most likely heard about Hosea (think Gomer); but who in the world was Amos? Well, Amos was an ordinary person, just doing his thing—taking care of his sheep and a stand of sycamore-fig trees. He was “neither a prophet nor a prophet’s son” (7:14) with the education or training or upbringing to speak for God. Come to think of it, neither were any of the better-known prophets.  

But God knew the heart of Amos inside and out, knew he was up for the job. And Amos left his flock and those sycamore-figs in other hands to speak God’s truth into the mess of Israel’s life. Eugene Peterson (The Message) introduces Amos in this manner: “Amos towers as the defender of the downtrodden poor and accuser of the powerful rich who use God’s name to legitimize their sin.”

The roar of the LORD should have been plain and clear to all Israel: The lion has roared—who will not fear? (Amos 3:8). But not so. It was Amos whose ears were open to the roar of the lion from Zion, compelling him to warn the people: The Sovereign LORD has spoken—who can but prophesy? (3:8).

What will you do when God calls your name? Will you rise to the occasion? The word of God is at your fingertips, plain and clear. Will you speak His truth, with love, into the mess of present-day cultural values? Will your ways draw your friends and neighbors to Jesus?    


Nancy P

All Scripture quotations are from the NIV 1973, 1978, 1984, unless otherwise noted.

*NIV Life Application Bible, p.1536

Tags: challenge, fear, calling, prophecy, God’s will


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