Step It Up

Step It Up

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.

 Remember the wonders he has done…

1 Chronicles 16:11 – 12a (NIV)


Our detached garage has a step up from the garage floor and a step down into the patio. I get a kick out of our two-year old grandson when he tries to maneuver those steps. As he attempts to do them, he looks up at me and says, “BIG step, Tida.” Most times, he will reach up for my hand while saying it. Of course, I love it every time.

Life brings us many challenges. Maturity comes in steps one after another. How wonderful our heavenly Father must feel when we look up to him saying, “Big step, God” while reaching for his hand.

Recently, while struggling with an issue, I felt so silly. My thought process was totally askew and I knew it. I just could not seem to let it go. Then I realized I had not really taken it to God and released it to him. In the moment, I tried to fix it using my human strength which was faulty at best.

Instead of continuing to beat myself up over how idiotic I felt, I had to admit I could not do it on my own and hand it over to him. “Big step, God.”  I need your hand to guide me through my faulty thought processes, false pride, and unwillingness to admit I needed help.

Satan had found my vulnerability and had launched his attack. The spiritual battle going on I could not win on my own.

Prayer, Bible study, counsel of wise Christian friends -- all integral parts of my arsenal, I had to push myself out of my comfort zone and seek help. Then I had to take action – step it up – to accomplish God’s plan for me concerning this area of strife.

His wonderful strength sustains me as I continue on this step.

Father, life is full of BIG steps. Thank you for helping us through them. Help us not to let pride keep us from bringing everything to you.


Susan Partida



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