Navigating Life!

Navigating Life!

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

 Psalm 119:105 ESV


My husband and I recently visited several National Parks in the Wyoming/Idaho area, and we were absolutely amazed at God’s beautiful creation. We spent months planning our trip and making decisions about where to go and what to do. A journey is made up of a lot of decisions and choices. So are our lives. We have so many questions: Should I go here or there? Where should I work? Whom should I marry? How should I spend my money? Our answers to these questions will determine our destination.

Many of us have regrets about times we turned in the wrong direction or followed the wrong path. It looked right at the time, but it ended up being wrong. Staying focused on God’s Word will help us make the right decisions and His Word will be a light to our path.

There are also times we must walk through dark days. When my husband was hospitalized, awaiting a heart transplant I felt the Lord’s presence near even though I felt alone and so unsure about decisions I had to make.

You have a life to live, a journey to travel and a pilgrimage to take. Keep your eyes focused on heaven so God can guide you on earth. When you journey with God’s guidance, you’ll wind up in the place of blessing—exactly the place that God has prescribed for your life. He’ll get the glory, you’ll get the good, and others will be blessed by the life you’ve lived.  

When you find yourself in darkness brought on by difficulties, depression, shattered dreams, or seemingly unanswered prayer take a moment to reflect on God’s Word and let the light of our Savior shine on you! You will rejoice again.


Debbie Stuart



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