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How to Connect to the Heart

But be careful to do what God says in his message. Do not only listen to it. Do not make that mistake!

James 1:22 EASY


“Recipes are my best friend,” my girlfriend exclaimed. I laughed and wholeheartedly agreed, more to myself than outwardly in the group.

I have collected thousands of recipes since childhood. I copied my mom’s recipes with a manual typewriter during grade school. She had multiple cookbooks, both in English and in Czech. I inherited four extra-long wooden boxes filled with her hand-written cards in all food categories, alphabetically divided and organized. I’ve copied recipes from magazines in doctor’s offices through the years. Recipes are abundant through various internet sources. I’ve only made a fraction of the ones saved. Fewer still are family favorites.

Recently, I wondered if there was a “recipe” for transferring head knowledge of God’s word to my heart, where I believe and experience things. Knowledge gets stuck in my head, and then I wonder why there is no growth. Does that mean I have no faith? Faith believes God and acts on His message. Am I willing and ready to receive it, or not? And how? I need visual and practical steps.

Picture this on a recipe card:

· First, study and meditate on God’s Word.

· Pray God’s Word aloud and choose to believe Him.

· Read and listen to the testimonies of women who have overcome struggles to walk in victory with God.

· Listen to and sing along with praise songs or hymns.

· Finally, do what God says.

It doesn’t require faith to fill our minds with knowledge.

It takes faith to act on the knowledge of God’s message to us. But the effort is worth it! A fully functioning life!

A recipe is nothing until we do what it instructs. Only then is there a product to experience. The outcome improves as we practice—just like my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe that I know by heart.


Karen Sims