Boldly Speaking God’s Truth

Boldly Speaking God’s Truth

I will speak of your decrees before kings and not be ashamed.

Psalm 119:46 CSB


 Is speaking God’s truth to strangers easier or harder than speaking to the people you know? If those you are with desire God’s truth, are you bolder in talking about it?

I’d like to tell you that, no matter who I speak to, I am confident and courageous. But I’m not sure that would be particularly honest! I fully stand on God’s entire Word as truth, but sharing with those I don’t really know, those who may even be opposed to it, makes me consider how it will be received. When I’m in a Bible study group seeking to know and obey the precepts of the Bible it’s easier.

Psalm 119 is a favorite chapter of mine. With 176 verses in this longest chapter in the longest book in Scripture, the writer mentions God’s commands (precepts, promises, decrees, judgments, word, instructions) at least 179 times! It is such a testimony of the importance of knowing God’s Word and will.

Verse 46 shows confidence to speak His truth in front of those in the highest earthly positions of authority. I’m not sure I would approach the president of the United States with the same boldness that I speak to a group of women at a conference where I may be speaking.

I absolutely love to talk about the Lord, His Word, and what He has done in my life with anyone who asks. But I am not near as bold with strangers about whom I know nothing regarding their spiritual life. It really shouldn’t matter who I’m talking to, His truth is still the same.

Lord, I want to talk about you with courage, no matter who I speak to. Help me stand on what I know is your truth as you put the words in my mouth.

For further reading on how God speaks wisdom through us see Psalm 19:14, Jeremiah 1:4-10, Mark 13:11, Ephesians 1:17-20, and Proverbs 11:30.


Chris Adams


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