Need a New View?

Need a New View?

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, as I am fully known

1 Corinthians 13:12


After living 30 years in our home, we finally replaced the windows this year! We have some big windows, which sold me on this house with all the natural sunlight. But we never realized how cloudy the old ones were until the new windows were installed. The difference is amazing…going from double panes with lots of cross bars in the glass that can’t be cleaned (and needed it) to clear views that look like there is no glass at all. I feel like I can reach out and touch the trees!

Because I love being outside and seeing animals behind our house, it feels almost like the den is a sun room! But who knew! I never realized how unclear the old windows were until we replaced them. How obstructed the view really was.

Isn’t that how it is with our spiritual eyes? With our human attempts to understand life on earth and what God allows into our lives, we only see partially.

The verse above is in the “love chapter” and Paul is comparing immaturity and maturity to infancy and adulthood. Our understanding grows as we grow spiritually although we will not fully understand everything about God and His ways until we are with Him face to face.

Intentionality and investment of time with the Lord, studying the Word and praying for clarity, helps us mature as we get to know Jesus more and more. Little by little our understanding grows and vision ls clearer. This side of eternity, we see only what God allows, and often it’s confusing.

One day we will understand everything we need to about Christ and heavenly things, like looking through our new clear glass windows with no cross bars or cloudy glass obstructing our view. Until then, let’s be diligent to know Him and obey whatever He reveals!


Chris Adams


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