Never Alone

Never Alone

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, 
he gave the right to become children of God…

John 1:12

A few years ago, we had a most unusual Christmas day lunch. It was the “in-law Christmas,” and so, our girls and their families were coming the day after Christmas. I had been busy preparing food for the week and just didn’t have the energy to prepare another meal for Christmas day. Therefore, we went to eat at one of the few restaurants open.

While there, I was saddened to see several people eating alone. Were their families coming in the next day like ours, or would they spend the entire holiday season alone? I sat there longing to visit with each one, hear their stories, and offer an encouraging word. 

Perhaps this was a lonely Christmas for you. Your children were with the in-laws. Because of a divorce or death, a spouse was absent. Perhaps some members of the family who once joined the celebration have grown too old to travel. And then, there are those people who are surrounded by others who still feel a deep loneliness within. Does this describe you, friend?

The Christmas season is all about the One who came that we might never be alone.

The birth of Jesus Christ was all about God reaching down to earth to begin a relationship with man. The God of the universe desires an eternal, personal, and intimate relationship with you and me. Amazing!

Do you know the joy of a relationship with Jesus Christ? Knowing about Jesus will not change a life. But entering into a relationship with Jesus, following Him, and communing with Him daily will transform your life and fulfill your deepest longings. To believe in Jesus is to be assured that He lives within you and will never leave you alone. 

We thank You, Father, that through belief in Jesus we become a part of Your family forever. We hold to Your promise that You will never leave us alone.

Jan Burkhart

The Journey I Wouldn’t Choose

The Journey I Wouldn’t Choose

The Good Lion

The Good Lion