

Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord to the prophet (Isaiah):  See, the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will name him Immanuel, which is translated “God is with us.”

Matthew 1:22-23 CSB


My granddaughter is four months old. If she cannot see or hear mom and dad, she cries, turns red and kicks her legs. Little does she know, they are close by, probably watching her every move on the baby monitor. As soon as she is aware of her parents’ presence, she starts to calm down.

The presence of Mary and Joseph surely comforted Jesus. The warmth of Mary’s skin next to His, the familiar voice of Joseph quieting Him, the security of the cloths lovingly wrapped around Him.

Oh, the calming effect the presence of another person can bring! That is a gift from God. But God wanted more for us. He wanted us to know Him, to know His presence which brings exceedingly more comfort and stability than any person.

God initiated His outrageous plan to come to earth, to rub shoulders with His people. Immanuel quietly came from heaven to earth that night long ago in Bethlehem.

Immanuel. They will name him Immanuel. Scripture provides us with the meaning of the name, “God is with us.”

God is with us. Think of the implications of that. We are never alone. God is not distant; He is with us. He is willing to get in the middle of our messes. He is approachable. He is personable.

God’s presence comforts us in our sadness, quiets us with His love, encourages us to press on, celebrates our accomplishments with us, and gives meaning to our lives.

Jesus, Immanuel, you are amazing! You left all the glories of heaven to dwell with your people on earth. You set aside your glory to become a humble servant. You suffered mightily for my sins. You laid down your life to give me freedom, purpose and communion with God. You are worthy to receive all glory, honor and praise!!






Son of God

Son of God