Passing the Baton

Passing the Baton

Get to know well your father’s God; serve him with a whole heart and eager mind.

1 Chronicles 28:9 MSG



In a race, passing of the baton is interesting to watch. When done well, it can look effortless and smooth.

In Scripture, this passing of the baton also happened… but from a father to a son.

King David is saying to his son…

And you, Solomon my son, get to know well your father’s God; serve him with a whole heart and eager mind, for GOD examines every heart and sees through every motive. If you seek him, he’ll make sure you find him, but if you abandon him, he’ll leave you for good. Look sharp now! GOD has chosen you to build his holy house. Be brave, determined! And do it! (1 Chronicles 28:9-10 MSG)

The passing of leadership, responsibility and legacy is often considered worth passing on to the next generation.

But what about telling the next generation about… God?

This is an opportunity to pass something big or someone big on to others.

To let them know…

If you truly seek God, He will make sure you find Him.

God will teach you how to love and serve Him with a whole heart and eager mind for He examines every heart and sees through your motives.

And to warn…

That you can’t love things of the world and God too.

If you abandon God, His blessing and protection will abandon you too.

Isn’t this what I would want others to tell me?

Seek God… and you will find Him!

He has big plans for you!

Approach God, His way not your way, so He will use you in a mighty way!

Father, in the quiet of my heart, You speak to me… reminding me that I have an opportunity to share You with the next generation. Help me know who to speak to and who to encourage to seek to know You and serve You. Please draw that one close to You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


Stacy A. Davis




