All in Forgiveness

Dusty Books

I sat down to read and turned on the table lamp beside me. As light spread across the table, I saw a fine white powder coated its surface and even the books resting there.

A Cleansing Walk

I love to wear black for two reasons. First, it goes well with my dark hair and eyes. Second, it doesn’t show dirt. I can wear a white blouse for about five minutes before I get it dirty. When I wear black, I can still look clean at the end of the day. Though the dirt is most definitely there, it is not visible.

Uncommon Forgiveness

The new widow entered the sanctuary alone. I walked behind her. Her young daughters were already seated with my two teens. As I followed her to the front-row pew, an unexpected thought caught me off-guard. Walk alongside the grieving widow and hold her hand.

From Disappointment to Adoration

Disappointment—that which we experience when expectations or wishes are not met. All of us face numerous disappointments throughout life—someone says something that hurts, a project fails, an illness interrupts plans… The list could go on and on. How do you handle disappointment?

Seeking Freedom

Sometimes we find ourselves in the midst of trials of our own making. Because we are imperfect and human, we mess up. We sin, and sometimes experience the natural consequences that come with the choices we make.

Living in Victory

A new year is a good time to reflect on the past, make changes that improve life, and to honestly deal with any unconfessed sin. God is always faithful to forgive and remove it, but Satan sometimes has other plans for lingering guilt and shame.


We have a large wool rug in our den. Though we now have the rug professionally cleaned, I initially cleaned the rug by following the instructions I was given. I washed it with mild shampoo and let it dry naturally. Most of the time, this worked well. But one time I cleaned the rug and brought it back inside before it was completely dry. Damp wool is not a pleasant odor. I felt like I was living with a herd of wet, smelly sheep!

I Need Help

I have two houseguests as of last night. They had been surviving without heat and electricity in the freezing temperature. I wanted to cook them a nice, hot breakfast this morning. As it turned out, a bowl of cold cereal would have been preferable. Rubbery eggs and ugly waffles, anyone?

A Fresh Encounter with God

We live in busy times. For many Christians attending church is an item on their checklist. They feel that by attending church weekly, they have fulfilled their “spiritual duty.” We live in a world where believers are not excited about the Lord’s work and have lost their compassion for the unsaved. This has caused many believers to live in a worldly and sinful way.

Sin Forgiver, Soul Healer

The tight crowd made it impossible to get even to the doorway of where Jesus was teaching. The men had to think of another way to get their friend before Jesus. According to the stories heard all over the region, He would be able to heal him. The roof! They made an opening in it and lowered their paralyzed friend in front of Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus said, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

A Fresh Encounter with God

We live in busy times. For many Christians attending church is an item on their checklist. They feel that by attending church weekly, they have fulfilled their “spiritual duty.” We live in a world where believers are not excited about the Lord’s work and have lost their compassion for the unsaved. This has caused many believers to live in a worldly and sinful way.