What do you want?

I am so intrigued with questions that God asks. We know that He knows all….so why ask? I’m persuaded that He is wanting us to face truth! He asks Adam and Eve, Where are you (Genesis 3:9)? He asks Cain, What have you done (Genesis 4:10)? Jesus asks the disciples in a storm-tossed boat, Why are you so afraid (Matthew 8:26)? Perhaps He is asking us the same questions!

Quick and Slow

While these words have meaning and benefit in our relationship with others, I hear God prompting me to be quick to listen to his voice through His word….to be eager to hear, believing that all is profitable to me and glorifies God. This speaks of a hunger that drives me to Scripture for satisfaction.

The Mirror

I awoke from my nap in a panic. I was going to be late to rehearsal. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My mascara was smeared, my lipstick was gone, and one earring was apparently left on my pillow. What did I do? I started making these things right! I began a repair project!


Alone in my car, driving to the emergency room, I screamed at God: This is too much!! I meant it with every fiber of my being. Even now, eight years later, I feel the hurt and panic of those moments.

Team Player

Both of my children have enjoyed playing on various sports teams. And I am so thankful for the life lessons my kids are learning from being a part of a team. They are learning how to work hard, be disciplined, take correction, win graciously, and lose with heart.

It's Personal

So you’ve heard the phrase, “Don’t take it personally,” right? Well, let’s consider the opposite. I recently read an article about the increase in the numbers of sports fans who are women. It’s not an accident, either. The sports industry has made an effort to include our demographic.

On My Team

Are you a sports fan? My husband and I like to watch sports. We have a couple of teams we follow, and we like to watch big play-off games. Games have also become a fun family activity we enjoy with our kids.

The Underdog

Why is it that we often root for the underdog? We love to see the little guy in the football game make the big plays. We enjoy watching the short basketball player fly through the air to dunk. What about teams like the Bad News Bears? They were the definition of "underdogs" - a team of misfits who pull together to win. We enjoy rooting for the unlikely hero.


Certain sports and teams are known for their fans. Have you ever seen a Green Bay fan wear a cheese head? That’s a loyal fan. You’ve seen the shirtless guys wearing body paint rooting on their team in freezing weather. Yep, that’s extreme. The word, fan, is short for fanatic, which the dictionary describes as someone with extreme enthusiasm or zeal. From accessories to body paint, these fans support their team with enthusiasm. Their loyalty exceeds circumstances, and their love is unconditional.

Living Worthy of the Lord . . . Make the Most of Every Opportunity

The apostle Paul can be such a pest, ladies. Yesterday I found myself caught up in the life of the Proverbs 31 woman, considering it possible to sport her ruby-red virtue in the company of family and friends and like-minded believers. After all, they should be willing to forgive and forget my shortcomings. Today Paul propels me out of my circle of comfort into the world of the outsider where critical scrutiny reigns.